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Exotica masterpiece by Mark Ryden, from the Martin Denny comp.


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Neat stuff from Aaron Marshall.


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Some of my favorite SHAG paintings, Tourist Trap, A Brave Brave Man, and The Unchecked Anger of Alf Charles.


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Shag?  Nope, Disney.  From a short called "Toot, Whistle, Plunk, and Boom" done in 1953.


Beat The Devil  Hot Rails To Hell  barr_mitchum150.jpg (9829 bytes)

Glenn Barr is one of the true modern lowbrow masters.  Check out more of his stuff at Cpop.


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By Owen Smith, from his exhibits at La Luz.


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Miles Thompson paintings, from his Island Images.


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Godzilla, Surf Trog, and Conga from The Pizz.


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Two signboard paintings by Coop.


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